


哈利波特(英文:Harry Potter)是英国著名作家J·K·罗琳的系列魔幻文学小说作品,全系列共有七本,小说描写主角哈利波特在魔法世界七年的学习及生活的冒险故事。该系列已经被翻译成62种语言,所有版本的总销售量超过3亿5000万本(2007年),是世界上最畅销的小说系列。正体中文版由皇冠出版社出版;简体中文版由中国人民文学出版社发行。













永远不要相信任何会自己思考、但你却看不出它把脑袋藏在哪里的东西。 Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain. ——Arthur Weasley亚瑟.卫斯理

该来得总会来,来了我们必须接受。 What would come, and he would have to meet it when it did.

活在虚幻的梦境里,因而遗忘了现实生活,这样是绝对行不通的。 It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

对一个真正健全的心智而言,死亡只不过是下一场伟大的冒险。 To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

但问题是,人类偏偏就是喜欢选择那些对自己最没好处的东西。 The trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

永远都要使用事物的正确称呼。对于名称的恐惧,会更强化对于事物本身的恐惧。 Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

真相,这是一件美丽却也十分可怕的事,因此我们在面对它的时候,必需特别谨慎。 The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

曾经被某个人这样深深爱过,即使那个爱我们的人已经死亡,也将会留给我们某种永远的保护力量。 To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

我们需要非常大的勇气,才能站起来反抗我们的敌人,但要反抗我们的朋友,同样需要非凡的勇气才能做到。 It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

名气是一个不可靠的朋友。 Fame's a fickle friend. — Gilderoy Lock吉德罗.洛哈

我们的选择,远比我们的天赋才能,更能显示出我们的真貌。 It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多


那些想要不劳而获的傻瓜,必将遭受到最严厉的惩罚。 For those who take, but no earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn.

中间不要停下来,也不要害怕你会撞到,这是非常重要的。 Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important.

你也许是葛来分多,那里有著蕴藏在内心深处的勇气,他们勇敢、活力和骑士精神。 You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry.

你或许是属于赫夫帕夫,那里的人既正直又忠贞,耐力十足的赫夫帕夫学生诚实无欺,且不畏任何劳苦艰辛。 You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.

虽然是在这么黑暗的时期,只要点燃灯…光明就会再现。 Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

重要的是,你只要全力以赴就行了,绝对没有人会看不起你的。 The main thing is just to do your best, and nobody will think any the worse of you.   ——Minerva McGonagall米奈娃.麦

你若是想了解一个人的为人,就应该好好去观察,他是怎样对待地位比他低的人,而不是只去看他如何跟同等地位的人相处。 If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. ——Sirius Black天狼星.布莱克

好奇心并不是罪过,但当我们在面对自己的好奇心时,必须特别谨慎小心。 Curiosity is not a sin. But we should exercise caution with our curiosity. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

但我乐意在追寻不朽前,再度去拥抱世俗的生命。 But I was willing to embrace mortal life again, before chasing immortality. ——Lord Voldemort佛地魔

了解是接受的第一步,而唯有接受,才有可能痊愈。 Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

暂时麻痹痛楚,只会让你在最后不得不面对它时,情况变得比以前更加严重。 Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

真正重要的并不是一个人的出身,而是他未来的表现! It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

我必须去把我所能做的事情做好。 But I must do what I can. ——Sirius Black天狼星.布莱克

但我一直都相信,在大多数的情况下,事实总是比谎言要好得多。 It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies.  ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

我们唯有联合在一起才能团结壮大,若是各自为政,那我们将只是一盘散沙。 We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

只要我们目标一致,并且敞开心胸,不同的生活习惯和语言是不会成为我们的障碍的。 Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

当你们面临抉择,不知道该选择正确或是容易的道路时。请记得... You have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy. ——Albus Dumbledore阿不思.邓不利多

我非常需要好好地笑一笑,我们全都需要好好地笑一笑。 I could do with a few laughs. We could all do with a few laughs. ——Harry Potter哈利波特

该来的总是会来的,当它来临时,他会设法去努力对抗。 What would come, would come, and he would have to meet it when it did. ——Harry Potter哈利波特,引用海格的话。

眠龙勿扰。 Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. ‘Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon’ ——Hogwarts’ motto霍格华兹校训

伤害就像呼吸一样,是人性的一部分。 No man or woman alive, magical or not, has ever escaped some form of injury, whether physical, mental or emotional. To hurt is as human as to breathe. ——Albus Dumbledore's Note 阿不思.邓不利多,《魔法师的毛茸茸心脏》,The Warlock's Hairy Heart

玩弄最深沉的奥秘—生命之源,自我的本质—将承受最极端与最危险的后果。 Tamper with the deepest mysteries - the source of life, the essence of self  -only if prepared for consequences of the most extreme and dangerous kind. ——阿达柏.瓦夫林,《魔法基本定律》第一条, the first of Adalbert Waffling's Fundamental Laws of Magic.

人类想方设法逃避或征服死亡的企图往往注定要失望。 Human efforts to evade or overcome death are always doomed to disappointment. ——Albus Dumbledore's Note阿不思.邓不利多,《三兄弟的故事》,The Tale of The Three Brothers

有希望才有永恒。 Hope springs eternal. ——Alexander Pope亚历山大.波普,邓不利多引用他的话。

人类最懂得正确选择对他们最不利的东西。 Humans have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them. ——Albus Dumbledore's Note阿不思.邓不利多,《三兄弟的故事》,The Tale of The Three Brothers
