


伊利亞·普里高津(Ilya Prigogine,1917年1月25日—2003年5月28日),是一位出生於俄國比利時物理化學家和諾貝爾獎獲得者,因其在耗散結構、複雜系統和不可逆性方面的工作而聞名。


  • 鑑於我對時間概念的興趣,我的注意力很自然地集中在第二個原則上,因為我從一開始就覺得它將在物理世界演化的描述中引入一個新的、意想不到的元素。毫無疑問,玻爾茲曼和普朗克等傑出物理學家在我面前也會有同樣的印象。我科學生涯的很大一部分將致力於闡明第二原理的宏觀和微觀方面,以便將其有效性擴展到新的情況以及理論物理學的其他基本方法,例如經典和物理學和量子動力學。
    • Given my interest in the concept of time, it was only natural that my attention was focused on the second principle, as I felt from the start that it would introduce a new, unexpected element into the description of physical world evolution. No doubt it was the same impression illustrious physicists such as Boltzmann and Planck would have felt before me. A huge part of my scientific career would then be devoted to the elucidation of macroscopic as well as microscopic aspects of the second principle, in order to extend its validity to new situations, and to the other fundamental approaches of theoretical physics, such as classical and quantum dynamics.
      • 伊利亞·普里高津《1977年諾貝爾化學獎得主自傳》



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