






  • 而極權必敗,自由終將降臨吾土
  • 官媒昇平,其實半個中國泡在水中,風雨飄搖。士人普遍萎頓,善作靡靡之音,不甘寂寞;官場心灰意懶,上下虛與委蛇,只待棄舟。


  • ...totalitarianism will come to no good end and that true freedom will finally visit our land. The Will of Heaven and the Hearts of Humanity, like the luminosity of Sun and Moon light the way!
  • As long as I draw breath I will strive to be heard. This is incumbent upon me, just as it is my fate.
  • To live on and to strive regardless of the burdens of suffering, to kindle that precious flame even in the stygian depths of night and prepare to greet the dawn. Our fates and our lives are joined as one, for I am that same as all of our fellow Chinese. Therefore, I implore you to donate the funds that you have raised on my behalf to those who truly are in want. Please share this bounty with our fellow citizens at this pressing time of hard ship and need.
  • Please allow me to express yet again my gratitude to you, dear members of the Tsinghua Community, and forgive me for brevity of this note.

