


弗蘭克·蘭帕德(Frank Lampard,1978年6月20日),英格蘭足球運動員。


  • 我不是說我與別人相比是一個勇士,但我確實會接受它。我做很多額外的鍛鍊,與其說我在健身房也許不會去舉重,不如說我在訓練場上會盡我所能。我會練習我的射術,傳球,運球以及帶球。也許這些都有助於我保持健康。這是我的老漢(他的父親老弗蘭克,前西漢姆聯球員和英格蘭國腳)在我還小的時候灌輸給我。現在,如果我不這樣做一點額外的訓練,我就感覺我在比賽時無法進入狀態。
    • I'm not saying I'm a Braveheart compared to others, but I do just get on with it. And I do a lot of extra work, not so much gym work, I won't go in and pump iron, but I do like to do as much as I can on the training pitch. I'll practise my finishing, my passing, my dribbling and my sprints. Maybe that all contributes to that bit of luck I have staying fit. It's something my old man (his father, Frank Sr, formerly of West Ham and England) has instilled in me since I was a kid. Now, if I don't do that bit extra, I don't go into a game feeling I've prepared right.


  • 蘭蘭是切爾西神燈。當他踢得精彩時,他是全場最佳;當他踢得糟糕時,他也是全場前三佳。
    • Lamps is Lamps. When he plays well he is best in the game, when he plays bad, he is the second or the third best.
    • 穆里尼奧



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