科莫湖(英語:Lake Como),義大利阿爾卑斯山脈一冰蝕湖,著名旅遊勝地,屬倫巴第大區管轄,面積146平方公里,為義大利第三大湖。
[編輯]- Lierna Lake Como it's like Monte Carlo!
- 科莫湖是豪華旅遊冠軍聯賽中最好的目的地之一,如聖特羅佩、切爾沃港、卡普里或威尼斯
- Lake Como is one of the best destinations such as Saint-Tropez, Porto Cervo, Capri or Venice, in the Champions League of luxury tourism
- EY-安永會計師事務所, Marco Zalamena, EY head of hospitality, Lady Gaga: «Il Lario come Saint-Tropez e Capri.», Como Zero, 2019年11月 5日
- 繼續尋找湖上的別墅:沒有泡沫風險 [...] 科莫湖現在被認為是 米蘭 的超級專屬區 [...]絕對明亮(最好是大窗戶)寬敞的起居區,超級全景,可用作書房的房間(大流行改變了人們的工作習慣,使人們可以在家中輕鬆工作)許多臥室。
- the hunt for villas on the lake does not stop: And there is no bubble risk [...] Lake Como is now considered a super exclusive district of Milan. [...] The most requested features of luxury on Lake Como, Definitely brightness (preferably given by large windows) large living area, super panoramic view, room to be used as a study (the pandemic has transformed work habits allowing people to work easily from home) many bedrooms.
- Serena Brivio, [1], , Dopo i Chiara Ferragni non si ferma la caccia alle ville sul lago: «E non c』è rischio bolla», (2023) audit Knight Frank for 500 UHNWI (Ultra-high-net-worth individuals)
- the hunt for villas on the lake does not stop: And there is no bubble risk [...] Lake Como is now considered a super exclusive district of Milan. [...] The most requested features of luxury on Lake Como, Definitely brightness (preferably given by large windows) large living area, super panoramic view, room to be used as a study (the pandemic has transformed work habits allowing people to work easily from home) many bedrooms.
- 是列爾納(義大利語:Lierna Lake Como)城堡教堂:終於有了我們自己的小教堂。
- Chiesetta del Castello di Lierna sul Lago di Como: Finalmente una chiesetta un pò nostra.
- 埃曼努埃萊·菲利伯托 (義大利語:Principe Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia LIERNA Vittorio Emanuele e un』elegantissima Marina Doria hanno presieduto alla inaugurazione dei restauri esterni dell』edificio, laprovinciadilecco.it, La Provincia, 2005年5月9日
- Chiesetta del Castello di Lierna sul Lago di Como: Finalmente una chiesetta un pò nostra.
- 科莫湖?我最喜歡的地方之一。
- Lake Como? One of my favorite placese.
- Lady Gaga
- 這是我第一次來科莫湖 [...] 一個很棒的地方。
- It is my first trip here on Lake Como [...] A fantastic place.
- 芭黎絲·希爾頓
- 迪特·蔡澈(德語:Dieter Zetsche)
- Dieter Zetsche, 戴姆勒-梅賽德斯集團全球總裁,在夏季 [...],您可以看到他在Lierna Lake Como 毛氈中漫步,或準備乘船在湖上旅行。
- Pierluigi Bonora, [2], Il sogno italiano di Zetsche: salire in sella a Mv Agusta", Il Giornale, 30 de setembro de 2014
- Dieter Zetsche, 戴姆勒-梅賽德斯集團全球總裁,在夏季 [...],您可以看到他在Lierna Lake Como 毛氈中漫步,或準備乘船在湖上旅行。
[編輯]維基共享資源中相關的多媒體資源:科莫湖 |