


[[[1]]]//C%E7%94%9F%E5%91%BD%20%20%E6%A0%BC%E8%A8%802014.rtf//大自然给了我们生命 格言2014.rtf//https://ia600505.us.archive.org/25/items/mdin_2014/%E5%A4%A7%E8%87%AA%E7%84%B6%E7%BB%99%E4%BA%86%E6%88%91%E4%BB%AC%E7%94%9F%E5%91%BD%20%20%E6%A0%BC%E8%A8%802014.rtf [2][3]引用错误:<ref>标签缺少关闭标签</ref>C%E7%94%9F%E5%91%BD%20%20%E6%A0%BC%E8%A8%802014.rtf'粗体文字'[4]</ref>

大自然给了我们生命,生活中的自然光,每分钟闪烁。你有一万个理由选择困境中生存,不应该有一个理由去选择,以避免或懦弱死亡。这是根本s “



世界的顶峰在于无止境的追求,而不是探索的利弊,什么,否则,你将永远停留在山坡上,而包裹在布不前。“ Fangruida /瑞达方说 • 爱


Individually life fallacy, fallacies and keep only the reflection you will really get the fallacy of anti-class ------- truth and success.

To create history must first create timeless timeless and eternal self hardships, otherwise you will get nothing.“ To a successful career, the first character should conduct self-achievement, followed by their knowledge; only way you can be successful.。 Only at the end of life or destruction of the universe, the starting point in history, and only today or tomorrow.。 “ fangruida said •

• 。

Only at the end of life or destruction of the universe, the starting point in history, and only today or tomorrow.。 “

In front of the plate to create a huge picture of the great history of the world, any person before God is fair, but everyone has to have their own team or a

Macromolecules of life belonging to each person. When you came to this world, you will be embraced by the great nature

Make history is to create real-world or radical antinomy. Any person or any great man, and this era only consistent but has

Nature nurture life, it also breeds the human body and soul. That while we breathe, you will feel God's grace and nature given

The world can only bring confusion and chaos dark and destruction, chaos and confusion of nature gave great natural and peaceful universe brings.。 “

Thousands of Philosophy and saints immortal offspring endless doors give inspiration and wisdom, but it can really open a new chapter in the history of

Every moment of life are sparks and flames.

Powerful enemy is ignorance and fanaticism. To stand on the pinnacle of history, you must climb the pinnacle of love.

To climb the pinnacle of science, we must climb over top of the pinnacle of science, you can really succeed. -----------

To be good at learning and honey. Need to accumulate wealth of knowledge, convergence and divergence. Cherish the time is to cherish

nt path.。 “ Fangruida/ruida-Fang said

Point Du frame and compose a line spectrum is in the soul outbreak life spark of passion. Surrounded by nature wander The pinnacle of the world lies in the endless pursuit rather than to explore the pros and cons and what, otherwise, you will alw The pinnacle of the world lies in the endless pursuit rather than to explore the pros and cons and what, otherwise, you will always be stuck in the hillside while

History is often bend difficult for people to identify reef shoals and twist.“

The world is not the wealth piled everywhere Jinshan but rather desolate barren forever finished not open up virgin “The world is not the wealth piled everywhere Jinshan but rather desolate barren forever finished not open up virginHuman greatness is that he is not a natural submissive servant, however, the insignificance of mankind lies in his nature and essence into play only in the .。


hardship to survive, should not have a reason to choose to avoid or cowardly death. This is the fundamental s” fangruida said • Love

• Share If we say that the universe is chaotic nature of the disorder, then the human society is full philosophical and rational; If the universe is the rule of natu

In truth, the sea shore, there is no breeze only small waves choppy; no fixed lines on the balance of social wealth wins

Philosophers, thinkers, no one wants to change the world of innovation in the world, unfortunately, the world and

Our entire body and soul come from nature and the world, even our cells and genes belong to it, abandoned and out of him, is

Intellectual vision overlooking the World. Stupid right close eye vision” fangruida said

The great and wonderful world lies in the mundane world wide and tiny.”

Absurd fetters of nerve blocking, and sometimes he would disguise the truth”

Military strategists of the soul and charm is not only on the chessboard Gongsha, but the accumulation of thousands of tactical battles and deepened.

The beauty of life is that ordinary, life's struggle to uphold, success in life is that tough, life's happiness lies in joy of life is the accumulation of wealth, life's

Scientific discovery is not the clear blue skies of thunder lightning but endless clouds flowers fog accumulation and flashy Bale.”

At the intersection of the natural and social integration, will have real knowledge of the spark shine.” Greed and arrogance is the originator of sin is the tomb of doom.

The world is not the wealth piled everywhere Jinshan but rather desolate barren forever finished not open up virgin.” fangruida said • Love

Earth "human society" and the universe "Planet society," the basic ecological model different, the former is the nature of the

Leap across time and space, in the tens of thousands of years later, we were on another planet for future generations to explore

High concentrations of purified concise dimerization complex lies not only in speculative philosophy, but also in a rational and practical knowledge as

Galaxy Universe and golden petals strewn everywhere, humans only in the kingdom of heaven to the depths of the deep to pick nature's most beautiful Past, natural scientists, philosophers have undoubtedly given the world a priceless wealth. But the reality of natu

Religious philosophy and natural philosophy is associated with thinking, democracy, freedom, equality, fraternity and

Reconciliation of the world can really strength lies in rational thinking, the power of reason. Although the substance of

Youth is brilliant glow, love is red roses. Knowledge is the soul of life, wealth is the life of the clouds. --------- To World Youth

For natural scientists, physics, mathematics, experiment is a kind of great sincere enjoyment; mathematical equation, the experimental data as notes,

In truth, the sea shore, there is no breeze only small waves choppy; no fixed lines on the balance of social wealth wins mining island, only to win th Our entire body and soul come from nature and the world, even our cells and genes belong to it, abandoned and out of him, is

Nature has given us life, every minute of life in the natural light is flashing. You have ten thousand reasons to choose hardship to survive, should

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open.”

High concentrations of purified concise dimerization complex lies not only in speculative philosophy, but also in a rational and practical knowledge as we

Leap across time and space, in the tens of thousands of years later, we were on another planet for future generations to explore and memorial ancestors on the Galaxy Universe and golden petals strewn everywhere, humans only in the kingdom of heaven to the depths of the deep to pick nature's most beautiful immeasurable strength, but apparently obscure zoological understand, but anthropological understanding, it i”

To create history must first create timeless timeless and eternal self hardships, otherwise you will get nothing.”

Only at the end of life or destruction of the universe, the starting point in history, and only today or tomorrow.”

To a successful career, the first character should conduct self-achievement, followed by their knowledge; only way you can be successful. Any experience and experience is the ladder of success.”

Warriors duel or duel, not only need ten times the courage, wisdom and a hundred times more necessary strategic and tactical thousands of times.”

Intellectual vision overlooking the World. Stupid right close eye vision Fujieda universe as garden twine between the flowers are blooming you never lonely. Scientific discovery is not the clear blue skies of thunder lightning but endless clouds flowers fog accumulation and Absurd fetters of nerve blocking, and sometimes he would disguise the truth”

Natural enemies of war is peace, peace is the best friend is a compromise and sharing, sharing.” Military strategists of the soul and charm is not only on the chessboard Gongsha, but the accumulation of thousands of tactical battles and deepened.

Warriors duel or duel, not only need ten times the courage, wisdom and a hundred times more necessary strategic and “ The beauty of life is that ordinary, life's struggle to uphold, success in life is that tough, life's happiness lies in joy of life is the accumulation of wealth, life's

The most powerful force speculative science lies not only in its own rationality and speculative nature but also

Overthrow a truth far difficult than establishing a truth because it requires not only negate the need to establish.”

Nature has given us life, every minute of life in the natural light is flashing. You have ten thousand reasons to choose hardship to survive, should not have a reason to choose to avoid or cowardly death. This is the fundamental s”

For something this complicated, it’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of time。

1. bend difficult for people to identify reef shoals and twist.” fangruida said. 2. fangruida说 - Changemakrs www.changemakrs.com/Fontfontfangruida说fontfont/in-front-of-the-pla...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:eqVoWQZZlDkJ:www.changemakrs.com/Fontfontfangruida%25E8%25AF%25B4fontfont/in-front-of-the-plate-to-create-a-huge-picture+&cd=42&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Move to another collection: P * Add quotes to this collection from the list of quotesyou've loved. Mouse over a row in the list and click . Show the list of quotes I've ... 3. by fangruida/ruida-Fang - Quotes on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/fangruida‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6F2iBA4XN58J:www.changemakrs.com/fangruida+&cd=43&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Nature has given us life, every minute of life in the natural light is flashing. You have ten thousand reasons to choose hardship to survive, should not have a ... 4. fangruida said - Quotes on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid5‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:oPkto9E6aZ4J:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid5+&cd=44&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “High concentrations of purified concise dimerization complex lies not only in speculative philosophy, but also in a rational and practical knowledge as well as all ... 5. fangruida said - Quotes on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid2‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:zhTk1ZpJIRYJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid2+&cd=45&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “The world can only bring confusion and chaos dark and destruction, chaos and confusion of nature gave great natural and peaceful universe brings.”. 6. fangruida said - Quotes on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:OW1Dymp_uKMJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid+&cd=46&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Mathematical wanted Easy Listening music breaks language fluency as brisk wonderful Xuan hear the beauty of nature and the true meaning will emerge in the ... 7. Collections featuring fangruida said - Quotes on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid4‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lqnKUhITUO4J:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid4+&cd=47&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel fangruida said. “ “Only at the end of life or ... fangruida said by fangruida said. Collections featuring fangruida said. Quotes I Love. by bers. 32 k 0 E 51 ... 8. Collections featuring Fangruida said - Quotes on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid3‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rn8Qqo0tOBgJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid3+&cd=48&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Thousands of Philosophy and saints immortal offspring endless doors give inspiration and wisdom, but it can really open a new chapter in the history of ... 9. Fangruida/Ruida-Fang - Quotes on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaRuida-Fang‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8hpJEc9wySMJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaRuida-Fang+&cd=49&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “In front of the plate to create a huge picture of the great history of the world, any person before God is fair, but everyone has to have their own team or a few of ... 10. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said - Quotes on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid3‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1xcX9V2ahPkJ:www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid3+&cd=50&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “The pinnacle of the world lies in the endless pursuit rather than to explore the pros and cons and what, otherwise, you will always be stuck in the hillside while ...

1. fangruida said: “Walked over the road is...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/walked-over-the-road-is-history-...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yv49EopcNesJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/walked-over-the-road-is-history-no-road+&cd=31&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Walked over the road is history, no road traveled and the reality now.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruida said ... 2. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: “Galaxy Universe and golden...” on ... www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida.../galaxy-universe-and-golden-p...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ByucXCOkBeoJ:www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid2/galaxy-universe-and-golden-petals-strewn+&cd=32&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Galaxy Universe and golden petals strewn everywhere, humans only in the kingdom of heaven to the depths of the deep to pick nature's most beautiful flowers ... 3. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: “To create history must...” on ... www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida.../to-create-history-must-first-cre...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ctamsq5avNIJ:www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid/to-create-history-must-first-create-timeless+&cd=33&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “To create history must first create timeless timeless and eternal self hardships, otherwise you will get nothing.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. 4. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: “Individually life fallacy,...” on ... www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida.../individually-life-fallacy-fallaci...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XMRaVcq_3TUJ:www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid/individually-life-fallacy-fallacies-and-keep-2+&cd=34&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Individually life fallacy, fallacies and keep only the reflection you will really get the fallacy of anti-class ------- truth and success. 5. fangruida said: “Warriors duel or duel, not...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/warriors-duel-or-duel-not-only-n...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ineU4lRZMTsJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/warriors-duel-or-duel-not-only-need-ten-times+&cd=35&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Warriors duel or duel, not only need ten times the courage, wisdom and a hundred times more necessary strategic and tactical thousands of times. 6. fangruida said: “The great and wonderful...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/.../the-great-and-wonderful-world-lies-in-the‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:eYcl-7Xyr9wJ:www.changemakrs.com/Bers12/loved/the-great-and-wonderful-world-lies-in-the+&cd=36&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Quotes I Love. by bers ... have an account? Sign up | Terms & Privacy. The great and wonderful world lies in the mundane world wide and tiny.” fangruida said. 7. fangruida said: “Fujieda universe as garden...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/.../fujieda-universe-as-garden-twine-between-the‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:xx9tNeOaVAgJ:www.changemakrs.com/Bers12/loved/fujieda-universe-as-garden-twine-between-the+&cd=37&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Quotes I Love. by bers ... Sign up | Terms & Privacy. Fujieda universe as garden twine between the flowers are blooming you never lonely.” fangruida said. 8. fangruida said: “The world can only bring...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid2/the-world-can-only-bring-conf...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:AihlC6_yRIIJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid2/the-world-can-only-bring-confusion-and-chaos+&cd=38&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel The world can only bring confusion and chaos dark and destruction, chaos and confusion of nature gave great natural and peaceful universe brings. 9. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: “Sacred aura flashing but...” on ... www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida.../sacred-aura-flashing-but-not-o...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8-Immo7DVE4J:www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid2/sacred-aura-flashing-but-not-overgrown-with+&cd=39&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Sacred aura flashing but not overgrown with flowers roses pristine wilderness; do not open up, you will never find a brilliant path. 10. fangruida said: “Only at the end of life or...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid4/only-at-the-end-of-life-or-destr...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vDKgFWUY3tUJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid4/only-at-the-end-of-life-or-destruction-of-the+&cd=40&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Only at the end of life or destruction of the universe, the starting point in history, and only today or tomorrow.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote.

1. fangruida said: “Greed and arrogance is the...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/greed-and-arrogance-is-the-origi...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NC0bnyB06DYJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/greed-and-arrogance-is-the-originator-of-sin-is+&cd=21&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Greed and arrogance is the originator of sin is the tomb of doom.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruida said ... 2. fangruida said: “Natural enemies of war is...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/natural-enemies-of-war-is-peace-...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:N0fCkeseCWYJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/natural-enemies-of-war-is-peace-peace-is-the+&cd=22&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Natural enemies of war is peace, peace is the best friend is a compromise and sharing, sharing.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by ... 3. Fangruida said: “Thousands of Philosophy and...” on Changemakrs ... www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid3/thousands-of-philosophy-and-s...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:duIWIMasd-EJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid3/thousands-of-philosophy-and-saints-immortal+&cd=23&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Thousands of Philosophy and saints immortal offspring endless doors give inspiration and wisdom, but it can really open a new chapter in the history of mankind ... 4. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: “The pinnacle of the world...” on ... www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida.../the-pinnacle-of-the-world-lies...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6BNDvgjYVPQJ:www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid3/the-pinnacle-of-the-world-lies-in-the-endless-2+&cd=24&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel The pinnacle of the world lies in the endless pursuit rather than to explore the pros and cons and what, otherwise, you will always be stuck in the hillside while ... 5. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: “Nature nurture life, it...” on ... www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida.../nature-nurture-life-it-also-bree...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Dd2yuJXL694J:www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid2/nature-nurture-life-it-also-breeds-the-human+&cd=25&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Nature nurture life, it also breeds the human body and soul. That while we breathe, you will feel God's grace and nature given location. 6. fangruida said: “The beauty of life is that...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/the-beauty-of-life-is-that-ordinar...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:_0S9yR_uhvAJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/the-beauty-of-life-is-that-ordinary-life-s+&cd=26&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel The beauty of life is that ordinary, life's struggle to uphold, success in life is that tough, life's happiness lies in joy of life is the accumulation of wealth, life's regrets ... 7. fangruida said: “The most powerful force...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/the-most-powerful-force-speculat...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:2b_gxilcTgcJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/the-most-powerful-force-speculative-science+&cd=27&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel The most powerful force speculative science lies not only in its own rationality and speculative nature but also because such a speculative nature conquering the ... 8. fangruida said: “Overthrow a truth far...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/overthrow-a-truth-far-difficult-th...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:W0M87uYJItQJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/overthrow-a-truth-far-difficult-than+&cd=28&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Overthrow a truth far difficult than establishing a truth because it requires not only negate the need to establish.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. 9. fangruida said: “Absurd fetters of nerve...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/absurd-fetters-of-nerve-blocking...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:nni9KdzHIi4J:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/absurd-fetters-of-nerve-blocking-and-sometimes+&cd=29&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Absurd fetters of nerve blocking, and sometimes he would disguise the truth”. Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruida said ... 10. fangruida said: “Fujieda universe as garden...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/fujieda-universe-as-garden-twine...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:r3PxbIA9KRUJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/fujieda-universe-as-garden-twine-between-the+&cd=30&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Fujieda universe as garden twine between the flowers are blooming you never lonely.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruida .

1. fangruida said: “Mathematical wanted Easy...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/mathematical-wanted-easy-listeni...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4lJSDlUhWbwJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/mathematical-wanted-easy-listening-music-breaks+&cd=11&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Mathematical wanted Easy Listening music breaks language fluency as brisk wonderful Xuan hear the beauty of nature and the true meaning will emerge in the ... 2. fangruida said: “Earth "human society" and...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/earth-human-society-and-the-uni...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-xxwGQmtniEJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/earth-human-society-and-the-universe-planet+&cd=12&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Earth "human society" and the universe "Planet society," the basic ecological model different, the former is the nature of the animal, while the latter is the animal ... 3. fangruida said: “History is often bend...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/history-is-often-bend-difficult-fo...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:STZQyPb0VisJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/history-is-often-bend-difficult-for-people-to+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “History is often bend difficult for people to identify reef shoals and twist.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruida said ... 4. fangruida said: “In truth, the sea shore,...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/in-truth-the-sea-shore-there-is-no...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:z0ftDmxVJNAJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/in-truth-the-sea-shore-there-is-no-breeze+&cd=14&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel In truth, the sea shore, there is no breeze only small waves choppy; no fixed lines on the balance of social wealth wins mining island, only to win the Wild and ... 5. fangruida said: “At the intersection of the...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/at-the-intersection-of-the-natural-...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KUV6GZeevPkJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/at-the-intersection-of-the-natural-and-social+&cd=15&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “At the intersection of the natural and social integration, will have real knowledge of the spark shine.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said ... 6. Fangruida/Ruida-Fang: “In front of the plate to...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaRuida.../in-front-of-the-plate-to-create...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:A-rym6cGeSIJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaRuida-Fang/in-front-of-the-plate-to-create-a-huge-picture-2+&cd=16&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Move to another collection: P * Add quotes to this collection from the list of quotesyou've loved. Mouse over a row in the list and click . Show the list of quotes I've ... 7. fangruida said: “If we say that the universe...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid5/if-we-say-that-the-universe-is-c...‎'粗体文字'


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大号文字' https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8nA-GXN6rSsJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid5/if-we-say-that-the-universe-is-chaotic-nature+&cd=17&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel If we say that the universe is chaotic nature of the disorder, then the human society is full philosophical and rational; If the universe is the rule of nature is orderly, ... 8. fangruida said: “The great and wonderful...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/the-great-and-wonderful-world-li...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ENSF5mhaKCcJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/the-great-and-wonderful-world-lies-in-the+&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “The great and wonderful world lies in the mundane world wide and tiny.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruida said ... 9. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: “Mathematics is a leafy,...” on ... www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida.../mathematics-is-a-leafy-literatu...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:DJ2xPv1NQrMJ:www.changemakrs.com/Fangruidaruida-FangSaid2/mathematics-is-a-leafy-literature-is-flowers+&cd=19&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Mathematics is a leafy, literature is flowers. Painting is a golden violet, music is beautiful Peacock, sports is the soul of the human nature and the nature of the ... 10. fangruida said: “High concentrations of...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid5/high-concentrations-of-purified...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:dGZrzZD5J1cJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid5/high-concentrations-of-purified-concise+&cd=20&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel High concentrations of purified concise dimerization complex lies not only in speculative philosophy, but also in a rational and practical knowledge as well as all .

1. fangruida said: “Nature has given us life,...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/fangruida/loved‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:z6ZLz2egsM0J:www.changemakrs.com/fangruida/loved+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Quotes I Love. by fangruida/ruida-Fang ... to survive, should not have a reason to choose to avoid or cowardly death. This is the fundamental s”. fangruida said. 2. fangruida said: “Intellectual vision...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/intellectual-vision-overlooking-t...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:EWuAOUbBv1oJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/intellectual-vision-overlooking-the-world+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Intellectual vision overlooking the World. Stupid right close eye vision”. Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruida said ... 3. fangruida said: “Sometimes the great maxims...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/sometimes-the-great-maxims-like...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KEZKQs_mk_cJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/sometimes-the-great-maxims-like-a-sword-like+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “Sometimes the great maxims like a sword, like thunderbolt lightning, sometimes like flowers roses, fragrant.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. 4. fangruida said: “Military strategists of the...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/military-strategists-of-the-soul-an...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Iqy6mHRcwj8J:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/military-strategists-of-the-soul-and-charm-is+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel ... deepened.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruidasaid ... P * Add quotes to this collection from the list of quotes you've loved. 5. “ “Sometimes the great maxims like a sword, like ... - Changemakrs www.changemakrs.com/.../sometimes-the-great-maxims-like-a-sword-lik...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:DTm1EVCXDTwJ:www.changemakrs.com/Bers12/loved/sometimes-the-great-maxims-like-a-sword-like+&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Quotes I Love. by bers ... Sometimes the great maxims like a sword, like thunderbolt lightning, sometimes like flowers roses, fragrant.” fangruida said. 6. fangruida said: “Greed and arrogance is the...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/Bers12/loved‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:zzbcdTbBa4cJ:www.changemakrs.com/Bers12/loved+&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Quotes I Love. by bers ... Don't have an account? Sign up | Terms & Privacy. Greed and arrogance is the originator of sin is the tomb of doom.” fangruida said. 7. fangruida said: “Scientific discovery is not...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/scientific-discovery-is-not-the-cle...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:n_gwaUXW-YIJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/scientific-discovery-is-not-the-clear-blue+&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. fangruida said by fangruida said ... P * Add quotes to this collection from the list of quotes you've loved. Mouse over a ... 8. fangruida said: “Human greatness is that he...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/human-greatness-is-that-he-is-not...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Rsxzz2XyGtEJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/human-greatness-is-that-he-is-not-a-natural+&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel Human greatness is that he is not a natural submissive servant, however, the insignificance of mankind lies in his nature and essence into play only in the ... 9. fangruida said: “The world is not the wealth...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/the-world-is-not-the-wealth-piled...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rWlB2jZ2XBwJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/the-world-is-not-the-wealth-piled-everywhere+&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel “The world is not the wealth piled everywhere Jinshan but rather desolate barren forever finished not open up virgin.” Flag a problem; Change photo; Edit quote. 10. fangruida said: “History is not a game, as...” on Changemakrs.com www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/history-is-not-a-game-as-any-hist...‎ https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?client=aff-cs-360se-channel&channel=bookmark o http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:oHyxQ4oTGdwJ:www.changemakrs.com/FangruidaSaid/history-is-not-a-game-as-any-history-of+&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk&client=aff-cs-360se-channel History is not a game, as any history of creation and destruction of the natural history lies run, rather than forged and fabricated.

Greed and arrogance is the originator of sin is the tomb of doom.” 世界最伟大最强大的东西莫过于财富和权欲和武力,炫耀而美丽,但是仅仅这些并不足以创造或改造世界,没有灵魂的世界将是悲哀的世界。






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  4. Fang Rui Da, (fangruida / ruida-fang) formerly Fonda, Hao Ye, et al, 1950 Born in Shanghai, China, the world's leading scientists, physicists, astronomers, cosmologists, philosophers, thinkers, religious scholar , economists, writers, artists, educators, inventors, his early years in Europe, the United States and Russia and Japan and other countries to study and work in China, the main achievements in the natural sciences, philosophy and social sciences, and literature and art. Main results and detailed biographies biography celebrity world, world famous sites, the world's leading websites. Professor Fang Ruida mainly spread writings, many works, including natural science discovery research papers, philosophy and social science research monographs, and other literary and artistic works, and other.Fang Rui Da classic quotations is the brainchild of its important academic and scientific thought, the most classic of world-renowned classic quotes Article 110, including political, economic, military, cultural, science and technology, religion, life, youth, arts, business, love and other various aspects, covering all aspects of social life, meaningful and lasting, colorful, his quotations and sayings both lively and fresh poetic, artistic aesthetics bear charm, like a classical language and classic lines, memorable; however, they also eat dip Philosophy and great wealth of meaning and guide social and human thought, set philosophy, philosophy and social thought to enjoy the arts in a charming, quite innovative. Investor series here chose Fang part quotations.