





凯莉 布雷萧(Carrie Bradshaw)

  • 你可能可以假装性高潮,但是亲密感是假不了的。
    • 原文:You may be able to fake an orgasm, but you can't fake intimacy.
  • 为什么要改的总是女人?男人都不用改?
    • 原文:Why is it always the woman who has to change, and not the man?''
  • 男人可能发现了火,但是女人却发现了如何玩火。
    • 原文:Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it.

莎曼珊 琼斯(Samantha Jones)

  • 就我所知,所有的亲密关系都是建立在谎言和双方都接受的幻想基础之上。
    • 原文:Practically all relationships I know are built on a foundation of lies and mutually accepted delusion.
  • 你可以跟一个男人说"我恨你"然后发生最棒的性关系‧但是如果你跟他说"我爱你",你很可能再也不会见到他了。
    • 原文:You can tell a man 'I hate you', and you'll have the best sex of your life, but tell him 'I love you' and you'll probably never see him again.
  • 在床上的表现跟在生活上的表现是呈正比的。我没见过床上功夫不佳却人生得意的男人
    • 原文:How we are in bed is how we are in life. I've never met a man who was bad in bed but good at life.
  • 婚姻并不会带给你一个快乐的结局;它只不过是一个结束。
    • 原文:Marriage doesn't guarantee a happy ending. Just an endding.

夏绿蒂 约克(Charlotte York)

  • 游戏可以带来权力。如果你知道你在做什么,你就可以完全掌握情势。
    • 原文:Games are empowering. If you know what you're doing, you can totally control the situation.

米兰达 霍布斯(Miranda Hobbes)

  • 如果一个男人年过30还是单身,那他一定有问题。这是达尔文说的‧他们从繁殖工作中被淘汰了。
    • 原文:If a man is over thirty and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian. They're being weeded out from propagating the species.
  • 我希望我是那种“我们曾经爱过,谢谢你给我的爱,你丰富了我的生活,你走吧,飞吧…”那种人,但事实上我是比较“我们没成功,你去死吧”那种人。
    • 原文:I would love to be one of those people who's all :we loved, thank you, you enhanced my life, now go, prosper…, but I'm much more: "we didn't work out, you need not to exist.



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