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[编辑]- 主席,部长,今天我反复听到,我的部门是如何无关紧要。为何还要00系列的特工?是不是太古板了?但我看到的世界与你们的不同,实际上,看到的一切让我受惊。我受惊是因为敌人隐藏得,比我们了解到的更深,不能按图索骥找到。他们并非国家,而是个人。看看周围,你们怕什么?有清晰的面孔、制服和旗帜吗?没有。一切都不再明显,他更为隐蔽,藏在暗中。我们需为此战斗。因此,再说我们无关紧要前,先问问自己,你觉得安全吗?还有一件事,我的亡夫喜欢诗歌,而且,嗯······尽管我很努力,却只理解到一些。但在这里,我想起了坦尼森的诗:“我们年老力衰,能撼天动地,这却是真正的我们。拥有平常的英勇之心,虽被命运与岁月消磨,但壮志依然,去奋斗,去探索,去寻找,而且绝不屈服。
- Chairman, ministers, Today I've repeatedly heard how irrelevant my department has become. Why do we need agents, the 00 section? Isn't it all rather quaint? Well, I suppose I see a different world than you do, and the truth is that what I see frightens me. I'm frightened because our enemies are no longer known to us. They do not exist on a map, they aren't nations. They are individuals. And look around you - who do you fear? Can you see a face, a uniform, a flag? No, our world is not more transparent now, it's more opaque! It's in the shadows - that's where we must do battle. So before you declare us irrelevant, ask yourselves - how safe do you feel? Just one more thing to say. My late husband was a great lover of poetry, and um - I suppose some of it sunk in, despite my best intentions. And here today, I remember this, I think, from Tennyson: We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
- 太多人因我而死。
- Too many people are dying because of me.
- 孤儿永远是最佳招募对象。
- Orphans always make the best recruits.
[编辑]- (向M夫人展示邦德祖屋的秘密通道)我告诉他父母去世的当晚,他躲在这里两天。当他出来时,已不再是个男孩。
- 欢迎来到苏格兰!
[编辑]- (在汽车追逐战中把路虎的后视镜撞坏)反正你也用不上了。
- (再次在M的办公桌上见到斗牛犬瓷镇纸)整个办公室给炸飞了,这东西却毫发未损?
- (科莫多巨蜥吃掉了一个杂兵)祝你好运!
- 浪费了一杯威士忌。
- Q部的最新产品,叫无线电!
- 我一向讨厌这里!
- 他总是出其不意。
- 有人想杀我们,我们得先发制人。