威廉·亨利·蓋茨(William Henry Gates III,1955年10月28日 - ),出生於美國華盛頓州西雅圖,通常簡稱比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates)。他是微軟公司的創始人,億萬富翁、慈善家。
[編輯]- 誰能接受一無所得的工作?
- 英語原話:Who can afford to do professional work for nothing?
- ——出自蓋茨1976年2月3日的一封《致愛好者的公開信》(Open Letter to Hobbyists)[1]信中蓋茨指責共享、免費使用軟件的習慣,呼籲計算機用戶認同知識產權。
- 英語原話:Who can afford to do professional work for nothing?
- 儘管中國每年差不多銷售300萬台電腦,但中國人並不為軟件付錢。然而某天他們將為軟件付錢。只要他們打算去偷,我們就讓他們偷我們。他們將會有那麼點上癮,然後在未來的十年裡我們總能想出如何收錢。
- 英語原話:About 3 million computers get sold every year in China, but people don't pay for the software. Someday they will, though. As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.
- ——出自蓋茨在華盛頓大學的演講 [1]
- 英語原話:About 3 million computers get sold every year in China, but people don't pay for the software. Someday they will, though. As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.
- 成功是一位差勁的老師,它會誘使聰明的人,覺得自己不能失敗。
- 英語原話:Sucess is a lousy teacher.It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.
- 我將把全部財富用於捐贈,而不是留給自己的3個孩子……我只是這筆財富的看管人,我需要找到最好的使用方式。
- 首先,我們受夠了中國人,而現在中國政府開始煩我們了。
- 出自李開復的回憶
- 現在,我寧願做出生在中國的天才,也不願做出生在波基普西市的普通人。
- 引自托馬斯·弗里德曼《世界是平的》
[編輯]- ↑ The term "CNET News" is used by CNET Networks, Inc. in 2006.