
本杰明•吉爾曼(Benjamin Gilman,1922年12月6日—2016年12月17日),又稱班•吉爾曼,是美國紐約州米德爾敦的共和黨議員,從1973年1月3日起到2003年1月3日為止。在國會期間,他曾擔任眾議院前美國國際關係委員會主席(第104屆至第106屆),於2011年榮獲世界和平獎最高榮譽獎,並榮獲2012年度最偉大的一代獎。
[編輯]- One of the great strengths of our nation is diversity. As individuals, we should reach out to those in our community who have different religious, ethnic, cultural or racial backgrounds.
- 我們國家的一大優勢就是多樣性,作為個人,我們應該接觸社區上不同宗教、民族、文化或種族背景的人。
- The actions that have guided my career is to work with young leaders to strengthen their commitments to the values of democracy and open societies, and to advocate the rule of law and, most importantly, the respect for human rights in all societies.
- 引導我職業生涯行動的就是與年輕領袖合作,加強對民主和開放社會價值的承諾,及倡導法治,最重要的是尊重所有社會的人權。
- We can't neglect other areas but the Middle East is an important area. If we can bring about peace in the Middle East, we will have done a great deal toward improving our own security. [1]
- 我們不能忽視其他地區,但中東是由為重要的一個地區,如果我們能在中東實現和平,那麼我們將會為改善自己的安全做出很大的努力。
- I sorely regret that the many critical problems here at home prevent us in Congress from traveling abroad. I hope the coming year permits us to take congressional delegations to international hotspots. The press criticizes congressional travel but I find, in regard to foreign affairs particularly, it's extremely important for us to get out there. We spend millions of dollars around the world, and here we do oversight at home on those programs, and yet we're reluctant to get out there and take a good hard look and pick up the rug and see what's going on. There's an old Chinese adage that one picture is worth a thousand words; and another that you can't smell the flowers when traveling by horseback. [1]
- 我非常遺憾,國內的許多關鍵問題阻礙了我們國會的出國考察。我希望來年能允許我們把國會代表團帶到國際熱點地區。新聞界批評國會考察,但特別是在外交方面,我覺得到當地去考察是非常重要的。我們在世界各地花費了數百萬美元,而我們卻在國內監督這些項目,但是我們不願意去那裡,好好研究一下,揭開真相,看看發生了什麼。中國有一句古諺語:畫意能達萬言(一圖勝千言); 另一個諺語是:騎馬時是聞不到花香的。
- Americans should always bear in mind the love of country that American veterans have shown as well as their personal sacrifices, courage, convictions, and dedication to freedom that these individuals have exhibited.
- 美國人應該永遠記住美國退伍軍人所表現出的對國家的熱愛,以及他們個人的犧牲、勇氣、信念、以及這些人所展示的對自由的奉獻精神。
- The tragic and misguided returned to violence recently by some who mistakenly believe that justice can be obtained through terrorism, death, and destruction, must end. The IRA cease fire must be restored, the bombings ended, and peaceful means and dialog resumed immediately, or the nationalist cause will suffer even greater damage in world opinion. As we once again examine at this particular time of year, the impact the Irish have had on America, and why the U.S. has a responsibility to remain engaged in the efforts to bring about lasting peace and justice in Ireland, it is worth remembering their many sacrifices and contributions to our great Nation.
- 最近由一些誤以為能夠通過恐怖主義、死亡和破壞以獲得正義的人所導致的重回暴力老路的悲慘和誤導,必須停止。必須要恢復愛爾蘭共和軍停火,結束轟炸,立即恢復和平手段和對話,否則民族主義事業將在世界輿論中遭受更大的破壞。正如我們在這個特定的時間再次審視愛爾蘭對美國的影響,以及為什麼美國有責任繼續在愛爾蘭實現持久和平與正義的努力,值得記住他們對我們的偉大的國家所作的許多犧牲和貢獻。
- The Irish in America, and their many friends have long played a role in assuring that our Government and elected leaders have not forgotten that the problems of Ireland did not end with the great famine. Together we have worked hard to insure that the people of Ireland never again face such terrible hardships, and depravation of basic human rights and human dignity.
- 在美國的愛爾蘭人和他們的許多朋友長期以來一直在確保我們的政府和當選領導人沒有忘記愛爾蘭的問題不是以大饑荒而告終。我們一起努力以確保愛爾蘭人民再也不會面對這種可怕的苦難和基本人權和人格尊嚴的惡化。
- I and our family look back over our many years of public service for six years in the New York State Government and for thirty years in the Congress, we have considered it an honor and a privilege to have been able to serve and assist our friends, our neighbors, our constituents, our State, our Nation, and many countries throughout the world in working for peace, for justice, for freedom, compassion, and tolerance.[2]
- 當我和家人們回首過去六年在紐約州政府服務、三十年在國會服務的經歷,我們感到榮幸能夠為我們的朋友、我們的鄰居、我們的選民、我們的國家以及全世界的許多國家服務,為和平、為正義、為慈悲、為包容,我們將繼續朝此方向努力(世界和平獎獲獎感言)。
[編輯]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Benjamin Gilman: The Role of CongressThe Middle East Forum. Middle East Quarterly. December 1996
- ↑ Top Honer Prize Benjamin GilmanWPPAC.