


聖尤地斯瓦爾(Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri,1855年5月10日—1936年3月9日),印度的僧侶和瑜伽士,以及Paramahansa Yogananda的宗師。


  • 性是因為本能,是根據自然的法則為種族需要繁衍,不應成為永不滿足的渴望。現在就摧毀錯誤的吧,心靈應當永遠具有抵抗的能力。用客觀強大的意志去克服它吧![1]
    原文:Just as the purpose of eating is to satisfy hunger, not greed, so the sex instinct is designed for the propagation of the species according to natural law, never for the kindling of insatiable longings. Destroy wrong desires now; otherwise they will follow you after the astral body is torn from its physical casing. Even when the flesh is weak, the mind should be constantly resistant. If temptation assails you with cruel force, overcome it by impersonal analysis and indomitable will. Every natural passion can be mastered.
  • 有些人砍掉他人的頭,是為了顯示自己的高大![2]
    原文:Some people try to be tall by cutting off the heads of others!
  • 世俗中的愛是自私的,是的結果。而天國的愛是毫無保留的,並且廣大無邊。[3]
    原文:Ordinary love is selfish, darkly rooted in desires and satisfactions. Divine love is without condition, without boundary, without change.
  • 想像力是患病和痊癒的決定者,假如你生病了,也別相信,這樣疾病自然就會消失。[4]
    原文:Imagination is the door through which disease as well as healing enters. Disbelieve in the reality of sickness even when you are ill; an unrecognized visitor will flee!
  • 對星相學不要迷信,更不要依賴。聰明的人只相信上帝。這種人是不會被物質所控制的。靈魂是無死無生的,不會受星座制約。上帝使他的信眾的行為符合星象的法則。在深入的禱告和打坐後,他們能夠接觸到天國的意識,天國內在的保護是最偉大的力量。[5]
    原文:Superstitious awe of astrology makes one an automaton, slavishly dependent on mechanical guidance. The wise man defeats his planets--which is to say, his past-by transferring his allegiance from the creation to the Creator. The more he realizes his unity with Spirit, the less he can be dominated by matter. The soul is ever-free; it is deathless because birthless. It cannot be regimented by stars.


  1. 第11章 與上師在修道院的日子. 個瑜伽行者的自傳. [2019-12-31]. 
  2. 第11章 與上師在修道院的日子. 個瑜伽行者的自傳. [2019-12-30]. 
  3. 第9章 我終於找到了上師聖尤地斯瓦爾. 個瑜伽行者的自傳. [2020-01-20]. 
  4. 第11章 與上師在修道院的日子. 個瑜伽行者的自傳. [2020-01-21]. 
  5. 第15章 智勝星象. 個瑜伽行者的自傳. [2020-01-22]. 



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