[编辑]- 您在听吗?好的。如果你不听清楚的话,你就会漏掉些事情——重要的事情。我不会停步,我也不会再三重复我说的话,你也不能打断我。如果你认为因为你坐在那边,而我坐在这边,你就可以掌控即将发生的一切,那你就错了——掌控一切的是我。因为我知道你所不知道的事情。现在我只需要你向我保证,你要仔细聆听,在我说完之前不能做评判。如果你做不到 ,那请你离开。但你若选择留下,记住这是你自己的选择。从现在开始,发生任何事 都不是我的责任——而是你的。认真听了。
- Are you paying attention? Good. If you are not listening carefully, you will miss things. Important things. I will not pause, I will not repeat myself, and you will not interrupt me. You think that because you're sitting where you are, and I am sitting where I am, that you are in control of what is about to happen. You're mistaken. I am in control, because I know things that you do not know. [pause] What I will need from you now is a commitment. You will listen closely, and you will not judge me until I am finished. If you cannot commit to this, then please leave the room. But if you choose to stay, remember you chose to be here. What happens from this moment forward is not my responsibility. It's yours. Pay attention.
- 你知道人们为什么喜欢暴力吗,這是因為暴力讓人感覺很好。人類發現暴力能帶來強烈的滿足感,但除去滿足感,這些行為只剩下空虛。
- Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes... hollow.
- 当人们相互交谈时,他们所说的从来都不是他们所想的。他们说点别的,你就在希望能知道他们在讲什么。
- When people talk to each other, they never say what they mean. They say something else and you're expected to just know what they mean.
[编辑]- 你得到了你想要的,对吗?工作、丈夫、普通的生活。这是普通人做不到的。你知道吗?如果不是你,我今天早上坐火车穿过的城市很可能没有了;如果不是你,卖给我火车票的那个人很可能早就死了。我继续工作,而我工作的整个科研领域,只因你而存在。现在,如果你希望一直做个普通人,我可以告诉你,我不希望。这个世界无限的美好,恰恰因为你不普通。你......真的就这么认为吗?我想,有时正是人们无法理解和想象的人,才能做出超乎想象的事情。
- No one normal could have done that. Do you know, this morning... I was on a train that went through a city that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you. I bought a ticket from a man who would likely be dead if it wasn't for you. I read up on my work... a whole field of scientific inquiry that only exists because of you. Now, if you wish you could have been normal... I can promise you I do not. The world is an infinitely better place precisely because you weren't.
- 是啊,我知道这不平凡,但......谁喜欢平凡呢?
- I know it's not ordinary. But who ever loved ordinary?
[编辑]- 每个密码的背后都有一个恩尼格码。 Behind every code is an enigma.
- 绝密生活。 A top-secret life.
- 你不了解这个男人,但他却改变了我们的生活。 You do not know this man. Yet he has changed our lives.
- 解开了秘密,就赢得了战争。 Unlock the secret. Win the war.
- 真正的恩尼格码是破解密码的男人。 The true enigma was the man who cracked the code.