
罗伯特·曼德尔松(Robert S. Mendelsohn,1926年7月13日—1988年4月5日)是美国的一位医生,1981年-1982年任全国健康联盟的领导人。
[编辑]- 我拒絕將盲目崇拜現代醫學这个宗教的基本聖禮——活體解剖。多年來,我一直鼓勵我的學生在他們的實驗室裡偷偷拍攝動物的狀況,寫日記,向媒體洩露真相。這種做法不僅有助於向公眾宣傳,而且有助於拯救學生正直的靈魂。就我自己而言,我堅持安息日的誡命,即使是動物也不能每週工作7天。每個宗教源自舊約(以及東方宗教)的人都知道保護動物的法律,只有現代醫學將虐殺動物視為常態。
- 1982年為漢斯·魯施《屠殺無辜者》所作前言
[编辑]- 我不相信現代醫學。我是一個醫學異端......
- I do not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. . . .
- 我並不一直是醫學異端。我曾經相信現代醫學……但我现在不再相信現代醫學。
- I haven't always been a medical heretic. I once believed in Modern Medicine. . . . But I no longer believe in Modern Medicine.
- 我认为儘管所有的超級技術和一流的临床医学應該讓你感覺像登月途中的宇航員一樣受到照顧,但對你的健康構成最大威脅的恰恰是從事現代醫學的醫生。
- I believe that despite all the super technology and elite bedside manner that's supposed to make you feel about as well cared for as an astronaut on the way to the moon, the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices Modern Medicine.
- 我相信現代醫學對疾病的治療很少有效,而且它們通常比它們旨在治療的疾病更危險。
- I believe that Modern Medicine's treatments for disease are seldom effective, and that they're often more dangerous than the diseases they're designed to treat.
- 我認為,對非疾病的危險程序的廣泛使用加劇了這些危險。
- I believe the dangers are compounded by the widespread use of dangerous procedures for non-diseases.
- 我相信如果90%的現代醫學(醫生、醫院、藥物和設備)從地球上消失,對我們健康的影響將是立竿見影和有益的。
- I believe that more than ninety percent of Modern Medicine could disappear from the face of the earth—doctors, hospitals, drugs, and equipment—and the effect on our health.would be immediate and beneficial.
- 沒有我們的信仰,現代醫學就無法生存,因為現代醫學既不是一門藝術,也不是一門科學。它是一種宗教……
- Modern Medicine can't survive without our faith, because Modern Medicine is neither an art or a science. It's a religion. . . .
- 宗教的一個定義將其定義為任何有組織的努力,以處理我們看到的在我們內部和周圍發生的令人費解或神秘的事情。現代醫學教會處理最令人費解的現象:出生、死亡以及我們身體所玩的所有把戲在我們身上——我們在他們身上——介於兩者之間。在《金枝》中,宗教被定義為試圖獲得“高於人類的力量,人們認為這些力量可以指導和控制自然和人類生活的進程”。
- One definition of religion identifies it as any organized effort to deal with puzzling or mysterious things we see going on in and around us. The Church of Modern Medicine deals with the most puzzling phenomena: birth, death, and all the tricks our bodies play on us—and we on them—in between. In The Golden Bough, religion is defined as the attempt to gain the favor of 'powers superior to man, which are believed to direct and control the course of nature and human life.
- 如果人們不花數十億美元在現代醫學教會上,以博取指導和控制人類生命的力量的青睞,那他們花在什麼上面呢?”
- If people don't spend billions of dollars on the Church of Modern Medicine in order to gain favor with the powers that direct and control human life, what do they spend it on?