



  • 什麼是音樂?儀器不是那麼重要。這只是一個手段而已,換句話說,你不使用音樂來演奏小提琴,而使用小提琴演奏音樂。
    • What is music all about? The instrument is not that important.It’s only a means to an end, in other words, you don’t use music to play the violin, you use violin to play music.
  • 音樂不是黑白的。它是每一種顏色,甚至有一些,畫家也沒有。
    • Music is not black and white. It is every colour, and some, even painters don’t have.
  • 這條線比只是一個接着一個音符更重要。
    • The line is more important than just playing one note after another.
  • 一旦你拿起儀器,你要做一個聲明,你的聲明,它必須是一個信仰的聲明,你相信,這是你想說話的方式。除非你覺得你必須生活在音樂,音樂可以說的話多,而音樂可以意味着更多,沒有音樂,我們不活着。你不覺得,那不,不是一個音樂家。
    • Every time you take up the instrument, you’re making a statement, your statement, and it must be a statement of faith that you believe, this is the way you want to speak. Unless you feel that you must live with music that music can say more than words, and music can mean more that without music we’re not alive. You don’t feel though, that, don’t be a musician.
  • 我希望大家,學生和老師都明白,我一直在試圖說,如果我一直批評,只是與你分享我的信念,我對音樂和年輕人的永遠的信念。我相信,在他們之間,世界是一個更好的地方。如果我離開了,我會非常感激。
    • I hope that all of you, students and teachers, will understand what I’ve been trying to say. If I’ve been critical, it is only to share with you my faith, my abiding belief in both music and young people. I believe that between the two of them, the world is a better place. And if I have left that behind, I’ll be very grateful.