
《半條命2:第一章》(英語:Half-Life 2,中國大陸譯作「半條命2:第一章」,港台譯作「戰慄時空2首部曲:浩劫重生」)是美國Valve公司開發的第一人稱射擊遊戲,是《半條命2》的續作。
[編輯]- 我們走著瞧。
- We'll see... about that!
- ——G-Man,過場動畫
- 各位市民……以及17號城市週圍的居民們……當然,我指的是有意識的居民,人類或其他物種,雖然我相信沒有必要跟各位解釋近期內弗地崗盟友們的發展……
- 不管怎麼說……首先,最緊急的一件事就是,如果您目前還待在17號城市裡面沒有離開,我們強烈的建議您,最好立刻以最迅速的方式離開這座城市。我們已經將許多通勤運輸系統修復好了,希望能夠儘快的將市民們轉送離開城市。同時我們也在城市周圍的環境為您設置好營地跟分區。我重覆一次,您必須立刻離開這座城市。雖然能破壞城塔的傳送核心絕對有相當大的好處,但同時我們也發現了一個不太好的副作用。要不了多久,城塔將沒有辦法避免被毀滅性的事件所破壞,而我目前也不能確實的估計被破壞的程度,只能大概的估算方圓好幾哩之內的範圍一定會被夷為平地所以,我再說一次,請各位立即撤離17號城市,而且越快越好!我必須一再強調這件事的重要性!
- 另一方面,如果您已經位於我們指定的安全區域之一,我則必須指出破壞反應爐之後另一個比較好的副作用。那就是我們完全移除了合成人的繁殖壓制力場。在此之前,對胚胎形成非常重要的特定澱粉鏈被選擇性的壓抑住了,不過現在情況不同了。如果您願意,現在正是進行生育的絕佳機會。換句話說,您應該認真考慮協助人類,讓人類能夠繁衍後代,綿延不絶。我們必須把握每個機會,因為誰也不能確定合成人再度嘗試掌握主權之前,我們有多少時間,而他們也一定會再回來。憑良心說,這是我們第一次有機會在公開場合談論有關合成人的劣行,而我們也有很多話要說,事實上,我也希望能在未來幾天發表一系列有用的資訊佈告。不過,目前來說,我們也還只能討論到一些比較表面的部份。
- 將17號城市的反應爐破壞之後,發生了一些我們早就預期到的效果,只是之前我們不敢太早提到這些結果。破壞性的脈衝抑制了所有有連結的城塔反應爐。所以在目前這段時間內,我相信所有的合成人傳送門都已經失去效用,依賴這個技術的通訊系統也是一樣。簡單的說,合成人已經被截斷了。目前還在地球上的合成人部隊已經被孤立,被控制了。不過,這很可能只是暫時的一種狀態。如同我們曾經發現的,即使是在黑色高地相對下非常微小的裂縫,也會被這些敵人利用、延展,強迫拉大,然後一波波地湧入。除了那些完全不相同的種族之外,他們在地球上也還有許多變種之後的後人類盟友,他們會盡力與大型部隊取得通訊、還有補給管道等等。
- 就算這樣,現在我們卻有了比過去十年來更多的希望。我們已經秘密地開發了好幾種科技,我們會盡力在合成人反擊之前早一步部署。我們持續的在用心召募、以及訓練新一代的科學家和技術人員。這是因為合成人他們所畏懼的並不是人類的武器,而是我們的意志、我們知識,不論他們用什麼方式來恐嚇我們都有能力理性的回應他們。
- 即使知道人類的精神有多麼的脆弱,我們還是將希望寄託於其中。我們都記得親友們被合成人擊敗過。甚至還有些鄰居讓自己被合成人吸收,他們的人性被軍事機器給抹煞掉。但是,在這裡,我還是必須向各位強調人類保有人性的重要性。也只有人性,才能讓我們的力量凝聚在一起,抵抗他們的反擊,那些超乎我們想像,我們從未經歷過的猛烈反擊。
- 然後……喔對了,如果您錯過了這個訊息的任何部份,我們會一直重複,直到沒有意義再重複為止。如果我有什麼錯誤和疏失我向您道歉,您知道的,我們幾乎沒有時間錄影,更別提練習……什麼,伊萊?
- 哦,好。各位,我是克萊納博士,本來在黑色高地,現在則跟各位一樣是地球的市民。在我結束演說之前,我要再說一句,在我們一同掙扎脫離暴政陰影的同時:歡迎各位回到光明世界來。呃……我的計算機又丟哪去了……?
- Fellow citizens...residents of City 17 and environs...by which I mean sentient residents, of course, human and otherwise, although I believe there is little need to explain recent developments to our vortigaunt allies...
- At any rate... First, as a matter of great urgency, if you find yourself still within the confines of City 17, you are well advised to leave the city at once by the fastest means available to you. We have restored service to much of the commuter transport system in order to carry citizens out of the city as quickly as possible. We have also established camps and triage areas in the surrounding environs. I repeat, you must evacuate the city at once! While there was certainly a great benefit in destroying the Citadel's teleport core, we have detected one rather unfortunate side effect. It would appear an inevitability that very soon now, the Citadel will be consumed in a destructive event whose magnitude I cannot currently estimate with any certainty, except to say that it will almost certainly irradiate an area of many miles' radius. Therefore, I repeat, evacuate City 17 at once if not sooner! I cannot state this without enough undue emphasis!
- On a lighter note, if you are already in one of our designated safe zones, I feel obliged to point out that a more fortunate side-effect of the reactor's destruction is the complete removal of the Combine's reproductive suppression field. Previously, certain protein chains important to the process of embryonic development were selectively prevented from forming. This is no longer the case. For those so inclined, now would be an excellent time for procreation. Which is to say, in layman's terms, you should give serious consideration to doing your part for the revival of the species. We must make the most of the time we have, as it is by no means certain how much time we have secured ourselves before the Combine attempt to restore their dominion, as they certainly shall.
- Since this is in fact the first opportunity we have had to speak openly of the baleful influence of the Combine, there is much ground to cover—and in fact I hope to institute a series of useful bulletins in the days ahead. However, for now, we will have to content ourselves with some relatively meager exposition.
- The destabilization of the City 17 reactor has had repercussions that were not entirely unexpected, although we hardly dared speak this hope ahead of time. The destructive pulse forced a damper on the entire network of linked Citadel reactors. Thus, for the time being, I believe that all Combine portals have failed completely, as well as all communication systems based on that technology. In short, the Combine are completely cut off. Combine forces currently stationed on Earth are now isolated units. Stranded. However, this is most likely a temporary state of affairs. As we once learned to our dismay, even the relatively tiny fracture at Black Mesa gave our enemies an opening which they were able to force ever wider, as they poured through in greater and greater numbers. In addition to the completely xenotheric species, there are many modified post-human allies still remaining on Earth who will be doing their utmost to re-establish lines of communication and supply with the larger forces.
- Even so, there is greater reason for hope now than at any time in the past decade. We have made, in secret, several technological advances which we will do our best to deploy in advance of the Combine's return. We continue to diligently assemble and train a new generation of scientists and technicians. For what the Combine fear the most is not any tangible human weapon, but our will, our intellect, our ability to respond selectively and rationally to every terror they turn against us. We place our firmest hope in the human spirit, even knowing how easily it may be shattered. We have all seen friends and family crushed by the Combine. Some of our neighbors have allowed themselves to be co-opted, and purged of their humanity, by the military machine. And those who resisted have met a most terrible fate. Still, I cannot overstate how important it is that we retain our humanity. Only this will allow us to hold together as we must for their inevitable return...and what is certain to be unimaginable retaliation.
- And...oh yes, if you missed any part of this message, it will loop repeatedly until there is no point in looping it any longer. I apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions. As you can imagine, we have had scarcely time to record, let alone rehearse- What's that, Eli? Oh, right.
- This has been Dr. Isaac Kleiner, formerly of Black Mesa, now simply a citizen, like all of you, of Earth. Let me just add to all those who can hear me now, as we struggle out of the shadow of our malefactors: welcome back to the light... Now where did I put that calculator...
- ——克萊納博士,第四章 逃離城市(Urban Flight)